Note: EWS Certificate अद्यतन अपलोड करें (EWS प्रमाण पत्र की वैद्यता निर्गत तिथि से एक वर्ष के लिए मान्य है )
Note: ( आवेदक अपनी जाति एवं आरक्षित कोटि से पूर्णतः आश्वस्त हों लें , किसी प्रकार की त्रुटि होने पर आरक्षण का दावा मान्य नहीं होगा । )
Are you a grand son/ grand daughter of freedom fighters as per advertisement ? :*
Enter Freedom Fighter Certificate Details *
Certificate No.*
Issue Date *
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Are you Person With Benchmark Disability(PwBD)?
(Applicable Only For PwBD ≥ 40% Disability)
If yes, Nature of Disability
If yes, Verify Nature of Disability
Enter Disability Certificate Details *
Certificate No.*
Issue Date *
दिव्यांगता प्रमाण पत्र निर्गत करने वाले सरकारी चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय एवं अस्पताल का विवरण *
चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय एवं अस्पताल चुनें *
Issuing Authority *
Upload Disability Certificate *
Percentage of Disability
Scribe Required ?
Declaration: BPSC मेरे द्वारा दावा किये गये दिव्यांगता का पुनः परीक्षण करवा सकता है , जिसके आधार पर प्रदत्त दिव्यांगता प्रतिशत ही मान्य होगी , इससे मुझे कोई आपत्ति नहीं होगी।
Note: अस्थायी दिव्यांगता की स्थिति में आवेदक आश्वस्त हो लेंगे कि उनका प्रमाण पत्र काल बाधित न हो।
Do you want to pay concessional fee as per SC/ST/DISABILITY/Female(Bihar) ?
Note: (If supporting document is not produced, then candidature will be cancelled on ground of less amount of fee paid. )
Are you an Ex-Serviceman ? (Retired From Army,Navy & Airforce) *
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Certificate No.*
Issue Date *
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Are you an N.C.C Cadet ?*
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Certificate No.*
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Are You Bihar Government Employee? *
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No. Of Attempts *
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Certificate No. (N.O.C. /Joining Letter)*
Issue Date *
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Note: If address of permanent residence is outside of State of Bihar, reservation of EWS, SC, ST, EBC & BC will be not acceptable.
Educational Details *
Exam Passed
Passing Year
Marks Obt. /CGPA
Full Marks
Do you have required essential qualification/criteria for this post as mentioned in the advertisement ? (For details please read the advertisement carefully.) *
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